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Forging a Sustainable & Resilient Future with Thornton Tomasetti & AIA UK: Leadership in Climate Action and R&D

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Forging a Sustainable & Resilient Future with Thornton Tomasetti & AIA UK: Leadership in Climate Action and R&D

Forging a Sustainable & Resilient Future with Thornton Tomasetti & AIA UK: Leadership in Climate Action and R&D

AIA UK is pleased to announce this special in-person program hosted by Thornton Tomasetti, on their approach to climate action!

When: Thursday 23 May 2024, 18:00-20:00
Where: Thornton Tomasetti, 12-16 Clerkenwell Rd, London EC1M 5PQ
CES Credits - Estimated 1.0 LU/ HSW for AIA Members


Gunnar Hubbard, FAIA, LEED Fellow | Principal | Sustainability & Resilience, Thornton Tomasetti
Jeroen Janssen | Associate Director | CORE studio UK Lead, Thornton Tomasetti 
Duncan Cox | Associate Director | Sustainability & Resilience UK Lead, Thornton Tomasetti

Moderator: Mike Taylor, Principal, Hopkins Architects


Key leaders at Thornton Tomasetti will be highlighting the company wide approach to climate action, and how they have been advancing innovation through their research and development activities in the development of tools and methodologies to support the AEC industry to a more sustainable future.

Several targeted presentations will be shared, along with case studies, followed by a lively discussion facilitated by Mike Taylor of Hopkins Architects.

The event conveniently coincides with the Clerkenwell Design week and will be held on Thursday May 23rd from 6:00-8:00 PM at 12-16 Clerkenwell Road.

Please join us for Beer, Wine, Snacks, and connections with peers in the AEC industry.


£3 - Members
£5 - Non-Members

Max attendees: 50.

Places are strictly limited. Sign up today!