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AIA UK Building Tour Series 2024 - Tower Hamlets Town Hall by AHMM

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AIA UK Building Tour Series 2024 - Tower Hamlets Town Hall by AHMM

AIA UK Building Tour Series 2024 - Tower Hamlets Town Hall by AHMM

image courtesy of AHMM

AIA UK is pleased to announce the first in-person Building Tour of the year, Tower Hamlets Town Hall by AHMM. 

When: Thursday 18 April 2024, 18.30-19:30
Where: Tower Hamlets Town Hall, 160 Whitechapel Road, London E1 1BJ
CES Credits -  Estimated 1.0 LU/ HSW for AIA Members


Tower Hamlets Town Hall, the new headquarters for the London Borough of Tower Hamlets, encompasses the restoration of the Grade II listed former Royal London Hospital building, and the addition of a new build extension. The move to the former hospital site consolidates a number of the council’s offices into one location, and offers a broad range of public services to the borough’s residents, in a more accessible location in Whitechapel.

The design responds to key eras of the existing building’s development spanning between 1757 and 1906, utilising the architectural character inherent in each extension of the original building to enrich the new internal environment. The existing building retains the Georgian formality of its external facades which have been restored to create a backdrop to the council’s activities within the new extension. The internal finishes and double height volumes associated with the more ornate Arts and Crafts inspired operating theatre extensions have been revealed and reinstated to provide a vibrant mix of working environments.

The new build extension provides six upper levels of open plan office accommodation providing a contemporary working environment for 2470 council staff plus partner organisations. At ground level a new council chamber and associated meeting facilities forms the borough’s democratic focus together with a significant ‘local presence’ space. The existing former hospital building, being cellular in nature, contains a range of meeting facilities for council staff, and public engagement space for Housing Options and customer services departments.

The tour will be led by Ben Leach and Eleonora Gallenzi of AHHM .


£3 - Members
£5 - Non-Members

Places are limited. Sign up today!