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AIA UK Movie Night

  • BFI Screening Room 21 Stephen St London W1T UK (map)

The AIA UK proudly presents another Gary Hustwit's independent documentary, 'Urbanised.' This documentary picks up from our last screening of 'Helvetica', both of which form a part of what is known as the the 'Design Trilogy.'

'Urbanised' discusses the design of cities, looking at the issues and strategies behind urban design, and features some of the world's foremost architects, planners, policymakers, builders, and thinkers. Over half the world’s population now lives in an urban area, and 75% will call a city home by 2050. But while some cities are experiencing explosive growth, others are shrinking. The challenges of balancing housing, mobility, public space, civic engagement, economic development, and environmental policy are fast becoming universal concerns. Yet much of the dialogue on these issues is disconnected from the public domain.

1.5 CES Credits Available.

Earlier Event: October 16
AIA UK - Building Seminar: Sky Central
Later Event: October 27
AIA UK 2018 Student Charette