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AIA UK Sustainability Lecture: Material Passports for Existing Buildings

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AIA UK Sustainability Lecture: Material Passports for Existing Buildings

AIA UK Sustainability Lecture: Material Passports for Existing Buildings

Image courtesy of Orms

We are excited that our Sustainability Lectures are back for 2022! Join us on Wednesday lunchtime for a talk by Rachel Hoolahan of Orms looking at material passports.

When: Wednesday 16 March 2022, 12:30 - 13:30
Where: Online via Zoom
CES Credits - Estimated 1.0 LU/ HSW for AIA Members


Rachel Hoolahan, Architect, Orms

Moderator: Dr Mark E Breeze, AIA | AIA UK Sustainability Chair


To address the Climate Emergency, we believe that a Circular Economy is a necessity, not a choice. Material Passports offer an opportunity to gather and organise data about materials contained within a building, to enable meaningful material reuse on current projects. Our goal was to develop an opensource methodology to Material Passporting for existing buildings, that would be accessible to design teams of all sizes and capabilities. As an industry, we must do better, and the fastest way to achieve this is by sharing our knowledge and collaborating on meaningful solutions. We are therefore openly sharing this research and toolkit with the industry, and inviting collaboration to develop it into a meaningful tool for the future.