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AIA Europe Conference: Budapest | Fall 2018

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AIA Europe Conference: Budapest | Fall 2018

The conference will explore the cultural projects that have developed in Budapest in recent decades. The aim is to explore various level of culture – from the “high” culture venue –MÜPA – a large performing arts facility- to Liget Budapest- the new museum quarter development underway in the center of the city. In addition the new campus of the Central European University will be a venue. Each day will transpire at a new venue, introducing a new building in and of itself. The gastronomic indulgences and the ruin pub district of Budapest will be part of the “cultural” explorations. The conference will integrate the cultural traditions and heritages of Budapest- rooted in the Austro- Hungarian Empire, whilst offering an insight into the contemporary architecture of today.

More details HERE

Earlier Event: September 20
AIA UK - Building Tour: Seventy Wilson
Later Event: October 1
AIA UK ARE Study Group