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AIA UK Lecture and Visit: Exchange House - A Legacy for London

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AIA UK Lecture and Visit: Exchange House - A Legacy for London

  • SOM London 20 Primrose Street London, England, EC2A 2EW United Kingdom (map)


6:30pm canapés for 7pm lecture

It is 1.0 CES credits

Free but spaces are limited


Kent Jackson, Graham Wiseman, and Dmitri Jajich of SOM will present the design and construction of Exchange House, followed by a tour of the Exchange House lobby, outdoor exhibit curated by British Land and Broadgate Estates, and recently installed AIA 25-year award plaque. The visit will conclude with drinks at the White Horse Pub in Exchange Square.
Winner of the AIA 25-year award, Exchange House was commended by the AIA jury for “standing the test of time” and its “simple yet ingenious structural system that unifies design and function in the mid-century Modernist tradition…The structural and architectural solutions for this development were entirely intertwined, embracing the constraints of the site and using them to fuel a clear, elegant solution that dramatically overcomes the challenges beneath it. The building is suspended over the rail lines below via four, seven-story tied arches that bridge 256-feet…By elevating the building the opportunity to bring an open space beneath was created.”
SOM’s London office was established in 1986 in response to the award winning commissions for both Broadgate and Canary Wharf. The London office played a key role in the founding of AIA’s first international chapter AIA-UK in 1994. Please join us for this celebration of our legacy in London.
1 CES credit is available and places are limited.